Update on 25,000 Words by April Challenge

I’m surprised and happy to report that I surpassed my writing goal last week!

My university was on its spring break, so I did not have classes. I could work from home. That allowed me to devote time first thing each morning to writing 1000 words.  One day I wrote over 2000 words. 

My total words last week:  8,725

My total so far since I began the challenge:  12,339

I have 19 more days to meet my goal of writing 25,000 words by April 1.  I have 12,661 words yet to write.  It’s possible!

From last week’s experience of writing every day, I learned:

1.  I write better early in the morning than later in the day.

2.  If I begin each writing session with a topic and trajectory in mind, I’m less likely to disappoint myself.

3.  I tend to write in 500-word units.  I stop after 500 words, take a breath, then write another 500 words.

I feel hopeful that I’ll reach my goal. 

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